For acupuncture treatments, detailed intake, pulse diagnosis, tongue diagnosis, personal Qigong lessons, Reiki treatments etc.
Treatment, approx. 45 minutes, € 83,-
Treatment, approx. 60 minutes, € 98,-
Massage, face and neck, approx. 30 minutes, € 50,-
Invigorating spinal massage, approx. 30 minutes, € 50,-
Nutritional advice, € 98,-
R.E.S.E.T. TMJ / Jaw balancing, 2 x approx. 60 minutes, € 98,- each
Facial rejuvenation acupuncture, € 185,-
The invoice will be based on the German “Gebührenordnung für Heilpraktiker GebüH”, the standardized price index for alternative practitioners. Please be prepared to pay your invoice right after each treatment session.
I will be happy to offer you a free consultation upon request. During that meeting, you have a chance to get to know me and receive information about the possibilities for acupuncture treatments based on traditional Chinese Medicine in my practice. Please note that I am not allowed by law to give any advice or treat you during the course of such a meeting.
Possibilities of reimbursement
The fee for treatments by your alternative practitioner / Heilpraktiker is not covered by the German national health insurance. For those insured within the national health system with no supplementary insurance for alternative practitioners, 10-treatment series packages are available with a 10 % reduction.
If you have private medical insurance or supplementary insurance, the costs for treatments at your alternative practitioner may be reimbursed partially or completely, according to your individual insurance contract.