Tag: Alternative Practitioner

Site notice

Responsibility for the content of this website according to § 55, II, RStV: Cornelia Vollmar Legal professional title: Alternative practitioner / Heilpraktikerin Licensed by: Local Health Authority, City of Cologne, Germany Responsible Regulatory Authority: Cologne: Local Health Authority, City of […] Read more →

Contact information

Practice for Classic Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Cornelia Vollmar, alternative practitioner Telephone 0221 / 788 68 33 E-Mail: info@praxis-vollmar.de Kleinfeldchensweg 35a 51109 Köln-Brück Berrenrather Straße 136 50937 Köln-Sülz […] Read more →

Cornelia Vollmar, alternative practitioner

Cornelia Vollmar, born in 1969, Heilpraktikerin / alternative practitioner since 2006 Studies and training in Classic Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine at the AGTCMs training center west / August-Brodde-Schule, Wuppertal. Degree: AGTCM diploma. Internship with a team of Chinese doctors […] Read more →

TCM Treatment costs

For acupuncture treatments, detailed intake, pulse diagnosis, tongue diagnosis, personal Qigong lessons, Reiki treatments etc. Treatment, approx. 45 minutes, € 83,- Treatment, approx. 60 minutes, € 98,- Massage, face and neck, approx. 30 minutes, € 50,- Invigorating spinal massage, approx. […] Read more →
Number of TCM treatments
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Number of TCM treatments

The number of TCM treatments necessary depends on the nature of your problem in conjunction with your individual constitution. Sometimes a limited number of treatments with your practitioner of Chinese Medicine may improve your situation significantly. Chronic or recurring health […] Read more →